31 Oct Am I delusional or just wildly ambitious?
Today I carry my bag and a box. Today is the day that I finish the first chapter of the memoirs of my career. Today was the last day working as a lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. As you can see, I walk away with a big smile on my face, being thankful for the great time I had here, the large possibilities that were offered and my colleagues that I can currently call my friends.
As from the day that I can remember, I have prepared myself to become successful in the world of law. During my studies I chose the relevant electives and completed several legal internships. As a result, I became a corporate lawyer at Freshfields at the age of 23. I felt that my dream had come true and for more than three years I have worked on the prime transactions with the most brilliant people.
However, a short while ago I reflected the period of my employment so far. Was this really what I had always been dreaming of? Was this really what I wanted, what I had expected? Am I doing something that I love, something that gives me lots of positive energy? In short, am I working my ass off for the right reasons?
Last week, I read a very interested article: “Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy“. As I form part of the so-called Generation Y, we were raised with a sense of optimism and unbounded possibilities. When we grew up, we were told that we could be whatever we wanted to be. We are therefore passionately ambitious and we aspire to live our own personal dream. That perfectly explains the fact that I want to do something that rocks my boat! That does not make me delusional, just extremely ambitious!
I am determined to find my blooming success! This is my life and only I can make the best of it! It feels as if I am standing in a big atrium, with all different luminous spaces to go to as there are so many career possibilities, so many great companies to work for and so many talented people to work with. My time at Freshfields was the perfect start of my career! With my “large backpack” filled with Freshfields-goodies, strong perseverance, ambitions and passion to succeed, I walk out the door into a big new world full of prospects & bliss!
P.s. This bag was a present to myself for completing my legal traineeship! I totally love this Stieglitz-pouchbag and got it at Raak Amsterdam!
P.s. You might also like No Bag no Story & Follow your heart!
– Photos by Valentine Weehuizen –