21 May Running along the Painted Ladies in San Francisco..!
When I arrived in San Francisco, I was hoping to only see the houses we all remember from the populair show, Full House. However, I have to admit that it took me some time to discover the beautiful Victorian and Edwardian houses that are lined up on the hills painted in bright colours. Those colours actually enhance the architectural details of these buildings which have the appropriate name since 1978: The Painted Ladies. There are about 48,000 of these kind of houses in San Francisco and they were all built in between 1849 and 1915. However, many of them were destroyed due to the earthquake in 1906 and maybe that was the reason that I hadn’t seen so many yet in the city. Until yesterday, when I went running with my new Samsung Galaxy S7. I live in Civic Center and I decided to go running towards Hayes – one of my favourite neighbourhoods in the Western part of the City at the Bay. After I managed to concur the first hill, I arrived at Alamo Square, right in front of the famous Painted Ladies. Since the Samsung Galaxy S7 has an amazing camera, I wanted to share these houses that were on my running route yesterday. Like the houses in Amsterdam, I have the feeling that it will only take a small amount of time before I will be obsessed with these buildings. The painted ladies are just like a postcard, especially when the sun is shining.
– Pictures made with the Samsung s7 –
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