Christmas Tag

After Thanksgiving and 'Sinterklaas' the celebrations aren't over. Actually, I always feel like these holidays are a so-called 'starter' for the holiday of the holidays: Christmas! Finally, ‘Tis the season for tuxedos, candy cane magic and candle lights...

Glitters, glisters and sparkles..! The more the better at Christmas time. They assure the ultimate party spirit and blend so well with all the Christmas lights. Plus, you make a shiny entrée when you enter the venue where you will celebrate Christmas. There is no other piece as vibrant and fun as a sequin dress so it might not come as a surprise that I reached for this iconic holiday...

The Christmas lights are on, the trees are decorated and the carols are coming through the radio. Christmas is coming..! Are you excited?! Counting down the days? And did you move your bed next to the Christmas tree? Well, no matter to which degree your love for Christmas goes, we all love gifts! That is why the ultimate Christmas wish list was prepared with my favourite accessories and apparel that would...

Now that November is here, I'm getting in the holidays vibes. Not only because today I show you the first holiday party outfit of the year, but mainly because the Christmas lights are hanging throughout San Francisco. In California they actually decorate the palm trees with those little lights which is a whole new experience for a Dutch girl like me. It's magical, beautiful and very special. And every night...

Merry Christmas! The streets and the houses are perfectly decorated and everything seems to be ready for the best holiday of the year. It is the time to celebrate, to enjoy incredible dinners  and to unwrap a lot of gifts. You may have also bought some presents for your parents, friends or boyfriend. And even though a nicely wrapped gift is part of the fun, you might have not had the time yet to...

Love Moschino is slowly becoming one of my favourite fashion labels. Especially when it comes to bags, this brand obviously knows how to design the pieces that I want to put on top of my must-have list! Because I love statement bags, preferably with a quirky touch. And that is exactly what Love Moschino creates whereby it also adds a sense of original audacity (think of the past bear, barbie and loony tones collections). Like...

I just can't help it, but I am excited! Anxious for Christmas to start! Or wait; it already began. Because, while I am writing this article I'm looking at my Christmas tree, eating Christmas chocolates and listening to Christmas carols. And most of all, I had the best Christmas party with 30 girls last night! Don't you think that this is the perfect outfit for such a Christmas party (except for...

Christmas is all around: we can hear the Jingle Bells everywhere and we are ready for the carols. In eight days we will be celebrating this traditional party with our friends and family, hopefully on a very special location, with a miraculous set table and many happy faces. No matter what the dress code of your event will be, you want to look great with a festive touch. As...

Hello December, I've been waiting for you! Holiday month is here and I am very much looking forward to all the celebrations that are going to take place in the next 31 days. December is the month of Christmas and New Year's eve. And these holidays are the perfect excuse for a lot of time with friends & family, countless drinks & lots of food and many scintillating holiday outfits & looks. Now...

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