How to decorate your house?


How to decorate your house?

As you probably know, we moved to Haarlem exactly one month ago! And even though this is our 4th move in 2 years, I still find it hard to decorate. Especially as this is the big thing: this is our own house & we are not planning on moving any time soon. So the home decoration is taken very seriously and needs to be perfect. In this regard I knew that I had to go to Desenio for my posters and frames. This Swedish interior brand was incorporated in 2010 and has its own design team to create the biggest collection ranging from fashion, art, nature, animals, vintage as well as a very big selection for kids. Curious to see what I picked for our little boy and our bedroom?

The little man cave ♥

For our little boy I’m creating the cutest little man cave. It had to include animals and a map of the world as I hope he will be travelling the world full of adventure and good friends. I hope his curiosity, adventure and wonder in life never ends and I guess these posters and frames are the best start for our baby boy’s room!


The master bedroom ♥

For our bedroom we wanted something neutral and unwinding. And I think that these posters are the perfect selection of something relaxing, dreamy, exciting and travel inspired. We are now falling asleep under a palm tree, being fearless, close to a lake, above the clouds and with the world ahead of us:)


Desenio posters discount code

I hope this article made you very enthusiastic about the Desenio posters. And the good news is that you can shop your unique collection with the discount code BAGATYOU” to receive 25% discount on your posters from 31 July to 2 August (frames/handpicked posters excluded). Ohh, and make sure to follow @desenio for the best home decoration inspiration.


As always, thank you for reading! XoXo Susanne!

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