06 May The content of my bridal bag(s)!
Whether or not the bride should carry a bag on her wedding day is a question that will be answered differently by any bride. I guess that there is no good nor bad which I explained in more detail in this article: I do! want to carry a bag on my Wedding Day! Do I?! However it is obvious that the lady in the wedding dress should have some essentials at hand during her big day. And as a true bagaholic, I used two bridal bags on my W-day..!
The bag I carried myself belonged to my grandmother, who had the same bag when she got married to my grandfather 56 years ago. It is a little shoulder bag finished with silver and completely covered with little shiny beads. I loved the vintage look as well as the fact that I was wearing something ‘old’ that day. I completely matched my dress (which I will show you next week, promise!!). This bag only fitted my phone and lipstick and I had to put my other essentials in another bag that was carried by my sweetest girlfriends.
This soft metallic golden coloured bag was prepared and filled by my witness which was the sweetest gesture. She also just got married and she knew exactly what items would be necessary that big W-day. Starting with a little mirror, chewing gum and tissues as well as paracetamol, blister plasters, dextro and hand cream. The dextro was something I would have totally forgotten to put into my bag, but could be very important as a bride easily forgets to eat because of the excitement (or doesn’t want to risk the chance on spilling on her dress). The hand cream was also very important as we both had to smooth our fingers right before the ceremony to make sure that the ring would easily slide around our fingers. She also included a postcard with the sweetest message as well as her bridal hair pins. I have to admit, I did not use all of these items, but I was happy that these essentials were at hand. What would you put in your bridal bag and would you anything add?
P.s. You might also like Why everyone should have a leather bag & Mrs. Rosehip.